Create & Save Object

Storing data on Symbyoz is built around Parse and his ParseObject. Each ParseObjectcontains key-value pairs of JSON-compatible data. This data is schemaless, which means that you don’t need to specify ahead of time what keys exist on each ParseObject.

If you want to have a structured model of your object, you can do it so by registering what we call Subclasses (see more infos on this page).

Simple Way

import com.parse.ParseObject;

public void createObject()
    ParseObject object = new ParseObject("ClassName");
    // object.put(key, value);
    object.put("age", 37);
    object.put("userName", "John Doe");
    object.put("isFunny", false);

With Callback

import com.parse.ParseException;
import com.parse.ParseObject;
import com.parse.SaveCallback;

public void createObject()
        ParseObject object = new ParseObject("ClassName");
        // object.put(key, value);
        object.put("age", 37);
        object.put("userName", "John Doe");
        object.put("isFunny", false);

        object.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback()
            public void done(ParseException e) 

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